Category Archives: Articles

Continuing to manage in a stubborn recession

While there are encouraging signs of improvement in the economy, with some dealers reporting new sales, we are not out of the woods yet with the economy. We are getting warnings and reassurance about the economy, which for small businesses this means having a strategy that includes tactics for both an improving economy and a staggering one

Many of the tactics for shoring up your business as we entered the economic downturn still apply.  These are about weathering out the storm and maintaining a presence for your customers. Tactics for a recovering economy are intended to make it easy for your customers to buy from you, and keep them as fans of your business. Seven things you should be doing include: Continue reading Continuing to manage in a stubborn recession

Recreational Financing: Understanding & Expediting the Process

We’ve all heard the saying time is money. And this is so true in our industry. When you have a customer ready to buy, you want to get them approved, closed and out the door. But let’s face it, not every deal is a slam dunk. In fact, when it comes to recreational loans most deals take time and skill. Whether your dealership has an F&I manager, hires a retail F&I outsource company, or it is a shared duty within your dealership, a good F&I professional knows how to use time wisely, expertly submit complete and correct paperwork, allow for unforeseen delays and sets aside ample time to negotiate with the lenders on behalf of the customer. Continue reading Recreational Financing: Understanding & Expediting the Process

“I’m from the government and I am here to help you.”

“I’m from the government and I am here to help you.”

These are the words that can strike terror in the hearts of most Americans, especially those in business for themselves. The words, “I’m from the government and I am here to help you,” came to mind this week when I read a newspaper article, “Government watchdog criticizes handling of car dealers,” written by Ken Thomas, an Associated Press writer.

The article referred to the government bailout of General Motors and Chrysler and how the Treasury Department told both companies to quickly shut down many dealerships. This has made no sense to me whatsoever. I cannot think of any valid reason for the government to insist that GM and Chrysler cancel several thousand dealers who bought, sold and serviced the cars and trucks that they built. Continue reading “I’m from the government and I am here to help you.”